Why should authors consider using book trailers?
A book trailer sets you apart. A book trailer is a brilliant way to bring your story to life and provide a taste of what readers will experience when engrossed in your novel.
1. Communicate your ideas faster. One minute of video is worth 1.8 million words.
2. Get your message across. Humans process visuals 60,000 times faster than text.
3. Encourage action. 64% of customers are more likely to buy a product if they have watched a video about it.
Your book tells it. The trailer sells it.
What Is a Book Trailer?
A book trailer is a teaser or promotional video that highlights the narrative arc of your book.
So, why promote your book with a video trailer?
You’ve probably heard this before, but video is the future. According to one study, video is going to account for 82% of all Internet traffic within 2 years. Furthermore, two-thirds of Americans (67%) get at least some of their news on social media. That’s more than half the population of the United States you’re able to reach just by creating a video trailer for your book!
There are countless ways to use your book trailer to attract new readers. You can post your book trailer on social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Goodreads. You can put it on your author website, post it on your blog, or use it as part of your email signature. You can put it up on Vimeo or YouTube and send the link to everyone on your email list. You can run it on a screen at author events. You can enter it in book trailer contests.
**Your Book Trailer Video will also be uploaded to the list of Book Trailers endorsed to Film and TV Agencies for movie adaptation review/consideration.
Striking, Movie-quality Book Trailer that fits your budget.
Our Standard Book Video service includes the following features:
Stunning Book Trailer 45-60 Seconds
• 8 Captions/Quotes
• 8 Images
• Book Cover
• Video Clips
• Background Music
• 4x revisions.
• Creation of a custom-made book video, approximately 45 to 60 seconds in length
• Storytelling through text and 2-D graphics and image.
• Web streaming capability
• You will own all the rights to your book video and will be provided with the final video file to share with readers, friends, and family and include in your marketing materials.
What the Author needs to provide:
High-quality cover
6-8 images (for author provided preferred images)
Where people can buy your novel
What is the mood or theme of your novel
Testimonials / Short video clips (optional)
What format will my trailer be delivered? The format is MP4.
Our Animated Book Video service includes the following features:
Animated Book Trailer 30 Seconds.
• Using 2-3 inner Illustrations and your Cover illustration.
• Animated elements on every page according to the story
• Sound effects where appropriate
• Background music according to the style of the book
• Text from your book to tell a little about the story.
• At the end we’ll add a call to action where to buy your book.
30 Sec Animated Video Samples:
What format will my trailer be delivered? The format is MP4
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